Thomas C. Whelan, President

President Thomas Whelan has led Bath Savings Trust Company for the past twelve years — coinciding with years of tremendous growth for the company. Assets under management stand at well over $1.3 billion, a testament to his strong leadership and exceptional customer service skills. With a solid background in banking and finance, Tom has been a part of the Bath Savings team since 1993. He started off managing our Freeport office, and he later ran the retail division of BSI before joining Bath Savings Trust Company.
A graduate of Colby College, Tom is also a graduate of the New England School of Banking at Williams College and an honors graduate from the nationally-renowned Canon Financial Institute. With an unwavering commitment to customer service, Tom provides his clients with informed and personal investment management.
“I am struck by the quality of the staff at BSTC and the manner in which everyone works together to deliver the best possible service to our clients. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has the client at the forefront of their minds every day.”